The Faroe Islands Art Association organised the very first St Olaf’s Exhibition in 1948. The event went on to become an important and traditional contribution to the annual national festival. Each year there is a different curator. This year the Art Association invited the Faroese artist Bárður Dal-Christiansen to curate the exhibition.
The title for this year’s St. Olaf’s Exhibition comes from the plant Lady’s mantle. Under the right circumstances, the plant grows wild and is difficult to get rid of. Many people do not want the Lady’s mantle in their gardens, where everything is planted carefully and meticulously. Lady’s mantle is not native to the Faroe Islands, but it has nonetheless become a part of our landscape. An example of the fact that the Faroe Islands are not an isolated, static place, but a living part of the surrounding world. Perhaps it is all about our attitude towards this weed, Lady’s mantle. Because if you pay attention, it is actually a beautiful flower. This year’s St. Olaf’s Exhibition has been developed from this metaphor.
At this year’s exhibition, a conscious choice has been made to focus on artists from abroad as well as Faroese artists. The curator has made an effort to showcase art from our neighbouring countries, which he hopes can inspire fellow artists. Some of the participating artists have academic degrees, while others have different backgrounds. Some are active street artists, others in galleries or on a stage. As such, the exhibition is a complex bouquet of diverse artists.
Johan Deckman, Alda Mohr Eyðunardóttir, Simon Fensholm, Stinne Bo, Jesper Jokeren Dahl, Eivør Pálsdóttir, Anders Reventlov, Jacoba Niepoort, Claus Bohn and Ole Wich.