Reflection (1990-92), Hans Pauli Olsen
Bronze, h. 400 cm.

Reflections are a magical, but especially so in this sculpture. The figure of the impressive pregnant woman is repeated upside down. So who reflects who? Another reflection is the cliff she is standing on, but this time we only see its pyramid upside down, not the cliff itself.

However the enigmatic sculpture also has a very physical presence due to its textural effect. It is very much a product of the artist’s manipulation of the clay. In this way we also get an impression of the process itself.

The warmth and presence of the sculpture are in accordance with the pregnant woman and underline the tangible in the intangible. And you are allowed to touch!

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Hans Pauli Olsen
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+298 22 35 79
Gundadalsvegur 9, P.O. Box 1141 FO-110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Fra 1. november - 30. april
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